By popular demand, the ObamaCare vs RomneyCare comparison chart is back, this time, annotated with footnotes referencing the credible sources of all the facts contained therein. Are there other credible sources available, and other interpretations of the data? Of course there are. This is not an exhaustive list of all known sources of information on the two health care reform laws. It’s simply a list of the sources I used to put this comparison chart together. Use it as a starting point, and do your own homework. If you’re depending on the Obama administration and the snarky Democrats for your information about the two health care reform plans(and most people are, whether they know it or not) then you deserve whatever you end up with.
- House bill was 1,990 pages, Senate bill was 2,074 pages.
- Chapter 58, MA House 4479, Amended: formatted to 8.5″ x 11″ – 68 pages. . Note: Washington Post claims 907 pages, which any dope with a printer can prove incorrect:
- The entire bill can be read in less than an hour:
- Higher Medicare taxes, and fees on the healthcare industry:; Also, see CBO letter to Sen. Sessions:; Also Americans for tax Reform:
- The ACA cuts Medicare by $575 billion, sets arbitrary caps, and appoints a 15-member board which can further cut Medicare without congressional oversight or approval.§iontree=6,86&itemid=285
- The passage of the ACA extends Medicaid to all people up to 133% of the Federal poverty level, beginning in 2014 and will subsidize some families making up to $64,000/year (400% of FPL)
-, see also:
- Americans for Tax Reform:
- PPACA passed the Senate on Dec 24, 2009, by a fillibuster-proof vote of 60–39 with all Democrats and Independents voting for, and all Republicans voting against.
- The PPACA passed theSenate on December 24, 2009, by a filibuster-proof vote of 60–39 with all Democrats and Independents voting for, and all Republicans voting against. It passed the House of Representatives on March 21, 2010, by a vote of 219–212, with 178 Republicans and 34 Democrats voting against the bill. “Defending the Affordable Care Act”. United States Department of Justice. Retrieved 2011-02-24.
- In fall 2005 the House and Senate each passed health care insurance reform bills. The legislature made a number of changes to Governor Romney’s original proposal, including expanding MassHealth (Medicaid and SCHIP) coverage to low-income children and restoring funding for public health programs.
- ; See also O’Reilly interview with Rep. Weiner:,2933,589996,00.html
- Chapter 58 of the Acts of 2006, An Act Providing Access to Affordable, Quality Accountable Health Care
- USA Today, “Number of Uninsured Americans Rises to 50.7 Million”, 9/17/2010: “50.7 million, or 16.7%” of the population.
- 98.2% of MA residents insured:
- Kaiser Commission on Key Facts, Nov. 2008, 8.9 million, or 11% of US children uninsured.
- Boston Globe: “Romneycare – A Revolution that Basically Worked” 6/26/2011. See also: “Massachusetts has the highest rate of insured children in the county — more than 99 percent.” 6/16/2011 See also: MA Dept of HHS report 9/15/2010: “1.7% of children uninsured.” Also see: Urban Institute report, Aug 2010: 1.7% of MA children uninsured.
- World Health Organization ranks the United States #37. not actually the lowest in the world, but the lowest of all the major industrialized nations. At least we beat Slovenia, Cuba, and New Zealand!
- An analysis of the Democratic health care overhaul by the Congressional Budget Office shows it would cost $940 billion over a decade and expand insurance to 32 million people.
- “The Real Cost of ObamaCare”
- “Net cost of health care reform to the state (net of federal reimbursement) is a little more than 1 percent of its entire annual budget. “ MA Governor’s Budget, 2011.
- Commonwealth of Virginia v. Sebelius, and State of Florida v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Justice,
- Sections vetoed by Romney were sections 5, 27, 29, 47, 112, 113, 134 and 137.
- Even though President Obama at one point threatened to veto parts of his own plan (, in the end, he supported both the House and Senate versions of the bill.
- The sections vetoed by Governor Romney are annotated in the legislation:
- Video – Obama says he’d like to see single-payer health care plan:
- Boston Globe, Nov. 13, 2005 – Differences between the Romney Plan, and House Speaker Salvatore F. DiMasi’s plan.
- AP News and Denver Post, “Obamacare Approval Drops to 35%”,
- 2010 Poll by Washington Post and the Kaiser Foundation, 68% support MA Health Care Law. See also: Reuters, Huffington Post, MA Health Care Plan Gets High Marks in Poll 3/10/2011: “84 percent of residents are satisfied with the Massachusetts plan.” See also: Boston Globe 6/5/2011 – Support For MA Health Care Law Rises, “poll by the Harvard School of Public Health and The Boston Globe found that 63 percent of Massachusetts residents support the 2006 health law.”–+Top+political+stories See also: 2005 State House News Service poll of 400 voters conducted by Gerry Chervinsky: and Aug 18, 2009 Suffolk University Poll, showing 94% of seniors “satisfied with their coverage.” Also see Suffolk Univ. Poll 1/14/2010, showing 54% of MA residents support the MA healthcare law.
- New York Post, 12/21/2009, “Obamacare: No Exit” also, Republican Study Committee Info Alert: Opting Out of ObamaCare – Is it Really an Option?
- Self evident. I can’t believe you actually looked for the footnote on this one.